~~~~~~~~~ Article is still in Progress ~~~~~~~~


Node, NPM, Yarn Command Cheatsheets

2much2learn - Node, NPM, Yarn Command Cheatsheets



npm --version - TODO

npm info - TODO

npm install - Will install packages listed in the package.json file

npm install pkg-name - TODO

npm install --save pkg-name - TODO

npm install pkg-name@1.0.0 - TODO

npm install pkg-name --save-dev - TODO

npm install pkg-name --peer - TODO

npm install pkg-name --optional - TODO

npm install -g pkg-name - TODO

npm update - TODO

npm uninstall pkg-name - TODO

npm run script-name - TODO

npm init - TODO

npm pack - TODO

npm link - TODO

npm outdated - TODO

npm publish - TODO

npm run - TODO

npm cache clean - TODO

npm login - TODO

npm test - TODO

npm install --production - TODO


yarn version - TODO

yarn info - TODO

yarn install - Will install packages listed in the package.json file

yarn add pkg-name - TODO

yarn add pgk-name@1.0.0 - TODO

yarn add pkg-name --dev - TODO

yarn add pkg-name--peer - TODO

yarn add --optional - TODO

yarn global add pkg-name - Careful, yarn add global pkg-name adds packages global and pkg-name locally!

yarn upgrade - TODO

yarn remove pkg-name - TODO

yarn run script-name - TODO

yarn init - TODO

yarn clean - Frees up space by removing unnecessary files and folders from dependencies

yarn pack - Creates a compressed gzip archive of the package dependencies

yarn link - TODO

yarn outdated - TODO

yarn publish - TODO

yarn run - TODO

yarn cache clean - TODO

yarn login (and logout) - TODO

yarn test - TODO

yarn --production - Builds a dependency graph on why this package is being used

yarn why pkg-name - TODO

yarn licenses ls -  Inspect the licenses of your dependencies

yarn licenses generate-disclaimer - Automatically create your license dependency disclaimer


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